Symptoms of stress are Often Unconscious

You might think there are diseases that lead to the recent frequent headaches, sleeplessness, reduced work productivity, and itchy skin complaints. In fact, stress often be the trigger.

Stress not only makes us emotionally uncomfortable, but also affect the physical health condition. Our physical condition was very much influenced by the state of mind.

What are the effects of stress experienced on the physical and psychological.

On the body: - Headache
- Pressure or pain muscle
- Chest pain
- Fatigue
- Abdominal discomfort
- Sleep disorders
In the mood: - Anxiety
- It's hard to break
- Loss of motivation
- Easy to get angry
- Sadness
On behavior: - Overeating or loss of appetite
- The use of alcohol or drugs
- Frequency of cigarettes increased
- Pulling away from the association

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